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- Working Hours : Sat - Thur 08:00 - 15:00
- Baidoa, Somalia
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Director General- Ministry of Petrolium
Post : Director General
CS Grade : 8
Ministry : Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources
Duty Station: Baidoa south west state of Somalia
Term : as per Contract
Salary : 1,285 USD
Hours : 36hrs/ week
A. Background
The Director General is the administrative head of a government Ministry, the senior most Civil Servant in the Ministry and the accounting officer of the Ministry. In the Civil Service Act of the Southwest State of Somalia, a Director General is also designated as the head of an employing authority or the Permanent Secretary. The Director General is responsible for the day to day operations of the Ministry. He works directly under the Minister and is expected to fulfil his obligations in a manner that reflects and advances the priorities and ideology of the Minister and by extension, the State Government.
As a senior member of the Civil service, the operations of the office of the Director General must abide by the values of the Civil Service set out in Article 115 of the Provisional Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia and reproduced in Section 5.1 of the Civil Service Act. These values are enumerated as fidelity to the constitution, compassion, transparency, community service, and respect for administrative hierarchy, obedience, confidentiality, work ethics, efficiency, effectiveness, and professionalism, principles of fairness, equality and best practices. The Director General must also operate in accordance with and within the bounds of the Civil Service Act of the Southwest State of Somalia at all times.
The Director General is responsible for the actualization of the objectives of the Ministry. These objectives include but are not limited to promoting sustainable exploration for oil and mineral resources, promoting investment and public- private partnerships in the petroleum and mineral resources sector and applying the State’s earnings from these resources towards poverty eradication. The Director General shall organize the Ministry’s day to day operations in a manner aimed at achieving the Ministry’s objectives. He shall also ensure that the Ministry’s financial and human resources are applied to the achievement of these objectives.
B. Reporting Obligations and Supervisory Duties
The Director General shall report directly to the Minister for Petroleum and Mineral Resources. He shall direct and supervise the operations of the departments created under the Ministry.
C. Primary Responsibilities of the Director General
- The Director General shall be the Chief Advisor of the Minister on matters of policy.
The Director General shall work closely with technical experts, taskforces, regional offices and other relevant bodies in the development of policy options so that he can recommend courses of action to the Minister. At all times, any advice and recommendations rendered to the Minister shall be well -informed, balanced and evidence – based.
- The Director General shall be the chief accounting officer of the
The Director General shall be responsible for the day to day management of the Ministry’s budget and shall accordingly undertake the planning, budgeting and allocation functions in the Ministry. He shall sign off on financial disbursements and maintain or ensure the maintenance of proper financial records. Ultimately, the Director General shall be held accountable for the utilization of money allocated to the Ministry by the Parliament of Southwest State.
- The Director General shall be the administrative head of the
The Director General shall supervise and monitor the operation of departments, agencies, units and sections under the Ministry to ensure they are operating efficiently and at maximum productivity. He shall foster a healthy working environment by overseeing the
Establishment of reporting structures, communication channels and complaint mechanisms in the Ministry.
- The Director General shall institute programmers, initiatives and at all times take the measures necessary to implement policy decisions taken by the Minister.
Without prejudice to the generality of the above, the Director General shall perform the following functions specifically provided for in the Civil Service Act:
- Be responsible for ensuring that the Ministry is structured to ensure effectiveness;
- Be responsible for ensuring that the Ministry meets it goals and objectives and that its activities are fully provided for within the annual budget;
- Notify the Civil Service Commission when there is a requirement to fill a vacant position or positions in his Ministry;
- Appoint, subject to approval of the Civil Service Commission, a suitably qualified employee in an acting capacity where the substantive occupant of that position is unable to perform their duties or is on leave; and
- Appoint, subject to the Approval of the Civil Service Commission, a suitably qualified employee to fill a vacant position while recruitment is ongoing for a substantive occupant of that position.
- Be responsible for directing and implementing acts & regulations of southwest civil
D. Guiding Principles
In addition to the values of civil service embodied in Article 115 of the Constitution and in the Civil Service Act, the Director General shall be bound by the following principles in the performance of his mandate:
- Accountability;
- Inclusiveness and non- discrimination;
- Equity and social justice;
- Human Dignity;
- Integrity;
- Democracy and the Rule of Law; and
- Principles of Good
E. Academic Qualifications and Experience
An applicant for the position of Director General must possess:
- A University Degree from a recognized university in the fields of Mineral Extraction, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Public Administration or a related
- At least Four [4] years’ experience in a managerial or administrative
- Proficiency in basic computer
F. Skills
- Good interpersonal skills;
- Excellent oral and written communication skills;
- Good analytical skills;
- Sound independent judgment;
- Strong administrative acumen; and
- Fair understanding of the political, social and economic landscape of Southwest
How to apply
- Please click this link and download the form: Application Form after filling this form, a confidential application can be addressed to [email protected] & [email protected] not later than 21th December 2024 and please attach only the form you filled.
- Note: Write the title of the position on the subject of your Email.